It's commonly known that Bethesda games, at launch, are usually the most buggy games to ever leave the hands of any developer. Fallout: New Vegas used to delete people's save files, it was that bad. But then there are the fairly harmless ones that make a dude's head spin when he's talking to you, or discovering that the land of Skyrim is actually larger than you think it is.
How to Find Cyrodiil and Morrowind
The previous two games in the Elder Scrolls series, Morrowind and Oblivion, are some of the best RPGs to ever be made. Since the release of Skyrim, gamers all over have been dying to go back and see what those two provinces are up to. Well, it turns out you can if you're crafty enough. Check out the video below for a great tutorial on how to revisit those well-loved places. Let's hope Bethesda does something with this data, and makes future DLC that takes place in Morrowind or Cryodiil.
The Skyforge's Secret Chest
A huge word of warning before diving into this glitch: This has the potential to corrupt your game. Since the chest in question is the merchant's actual inventory, if you take stuff from it, there could be serious ramifications to your save game. You've been warned.
If you somehow manage to escape from the Whiterun map, you'll be able to gain access to a chest located directly below the Skyforge. In it, you'll find loads of goodies, including heaps of gold, really good armor, and a bunch of great weapons. Check out the video below for a very well documented walkthrough on how to find this developer secret.
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