Forum Thread: What kind of content would you want to see?

Title says it all, really. How would you prefer your how-to's? Would you rather have something written that's easily accessible from anywhere, or would you prefer video guides that can actually show you what to do? Maybe something that does video and text?

Since this is going to be content for you guys, the community, I want it to be aimed at exactly what you want from this site.

1 Response

Me... I think it depends on the game and how difficult the task at hand is.

Video guides always help me out more for platformer games. And it's way easier to learn how to kill a boss by watching. I also find it easier to learn in videos for certain hard-to-get achievements in the Call of Duty franchise (and similar games). In the achievement menu of the games it already gives a brief explanation of how to earn it—and if I can't figure it out by that description, a quick video guide is always my second option.

But when it comes to something stealthy like the Splinter Cell series, or when I'm trying to learn a whole level or section of a game, I prefer a written guide so I can memorize everything and incorporate it into my gameplay. Watching videos just slows me down and I tend to forget things, especially if the action is too fast. So, reading helps soaks in the info where videos just slow me down.

Basically, written help is best for solo play (and most achievements), while videos help me more with multiplayer games and platformers (and harder achievements).

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